Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Monitoring

  • Ingesting Azure Diagnostic Logs into Azure Data Explorer

    In today’s blog post, we look at the Azure Diagnostic Logs and how to ingest them into Azure Data Explorer. Besides the Diagnostic Logs, we cover Activity Logs and Diagnostic Metrics as well. All three log and monitor data can be easily exported to an Azure Storage Account, an Event Hub, or a Log Analytics…

  • Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud continuous export via Terraform

    Microsoft Defender for Cloud supports the continuous export of a variety of data to Azure Event Hubs and Azure Log Analytics workspaces. When you use Azure Event Hubs, you can stream those data also to 3rd-party solutions or Azure Data Explorer. The continuous export is handy for security alerts to maintain them for a longer…

  • Local Kubernetes setup with KinD on Podman

    In one of my last blog posts I walked you through the setup how to run Podman on macOS with Multipass as Docker for Desktop alternative. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-podman-on-macos-with-multipass/ Today I briefly show you the local Kubernetes setup with KinD on Podman. Even the Podman support of KinD is in an experimental state it runs stable…

  • Monitor the Envoy Proxy ratelimit service with Azure Monitor for containers

    The last two blog posts of this series covered the setup of the Envoy Proxy ratelimit service and its implementation with Istio. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/run-the-envoy-proxy-ratelimit-service-for-istio-on-aks-with-azure-cache-for-redis/ -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/implement-rate-limiting-with-istio-on-azure-kubernetes-service/ In today’s post I walk you through on how to monitor the ratelimit service with Azure Monitor for containers. Not the standard monitoring of the container itself. We focus…

  • Implement rate limiting with Istio on Azure Kubernetes Service

    In my last blog post I walked you through the setup of the rate limiting reference implementation: The Envoy Proxy ratelimit service. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/run-the-envoy-proxy-ratelimit-service-for-istio-on-aks-with-azure-cache-for-redis/ Our today’s topic is about connecting the Istio ingress gateway to the ratelimit service. The first step for us is the Istio documentation. -> https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/policy-enforcement/rate-limit/ Connect Istio with the ratelimit service…

  • Run the Envoy Proxy ratelimit service for Istio on AKS with Azure Cache for Redis

    The Istio sidecar proxy uses Envoy and therefore supports two different rate limiting modes. A local one targeting only a single service and a global one targeting the entire service mesh. The local rate limit implementation only requires Envoy itself without the need for a rate limit service. In contrast the global rate limit implementation…

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