Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Security

  • Designing the Azure Data Explorer table structure for Azure Diagnostic Logs or Defender for Cloud data ingestion

    In my recent blog posts about Azure Data Explorer, I wrote about Activity Logs and Diagnostic Logs ingestion. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/ingesting-azure-diagnostic-logs-into-azure-data-explorer/ -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/export-azure-kubernetes-service-control-plane-logs-to-azure-data-explorer/ Today, I would like to discuss how to design the Azure Data Explorer table for the Diagnostic Logs or Defender for Cloud log data ingestion. Depending on your preferences, you can choose between…

  • Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud continuous export via Terraform

    Microsoft Defender for Cloud supports the continuous export of a variety of data to Azure Event Hubs and Azure Log Analytics workspaces. When you use Azure Event Hubs, you can stream those data also to 3rd-party solutions or Azure Data Explorer. The continuous export is handy for security alerts to maintain them for a longer…

  • Fluent Bit and Kata Containers on Azure Kubernetes Service

    In the past, I have written two blog posts about how to run untrusted workloads on Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-gvisor-on-azure-kubernetes-service-for-sandboxing-containers/ -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/using-kata-containers-on-azure-kubernetes-service-for-sandboxing-containers/ Today, I walk you through how you gather log data of an untrusted workload isolated by Kata Containers with Fluent Bit. When you hear isolated, it always comes to mind that only…

  • Using Kata Containers on Azure Kubernetes Service for sandboxing containers

    Last year I wrote a blog post about running gVisor on Azure Kubernetes for sandboxing containers. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-gvisor-on-azure-kubernetes-service-for-sandboxing-containers/ Back then, the only managed Kubernetes service that supported sandboxing containers in dedicated node pools was Google Kubernetes Engine via gVisor. A few weeks back, Microsoft announced the public preview of Kata Containers for Azure Kubernetes Service.…

  • Running gVisor on Azure Kubernetes Service for sandboxing containers

    gVisor is one option beside Kata Containers or Firecracker for sandboxing containers to minimize the risk when running untrusted workloads on Kubernetes. -> https://gvisor.dev/ Currently, the only managed Kubernetes service which supports gVisor in dedicated node pools per default is Google Kubernetes Engine. But with a bit of an effort this is doable as well…

  • Using Conftest for Azure Policy for Kubernetes

    Conftest is a tool that lets you write tests against structure data like Kubernetes templates. -> https://www.conftest.dev/ So, why should you use Conftest when you already established your policies with Azure Policy for Kubernetes? As Azure Policy for Kubernetes uses Gatekeeper the OPA implementation for Kubernetes under the hood it uses Gatekeeper constraint templates written…

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