Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: PaaS

  • Run the Envoy Proxy ratelimit service for Istio on AKS with Azure Cache for Redis

    The Istio sidecar proxy uses Envoy and therefore supports two different rate limiting modes. A local one targeting only a single service and a global one targeting the entire service mesh. The local rate limit implementation only requires Envoy itself without the need for a rate limit service. In contrast the global rate limit implementation…

  • Increase your application availability with pod anti-affinity settings in Azure Kubernetes Service

    This is the second blog post of a series of posts covering the topic about increasing the application availability on Azure Kubernetes Services / Kubernetes. Today we cover the pod anti-affinity setting. What is the pod anti-affinity? In the first post of the series, I talked about the PodDisruptionBudget. The PDB guarantees that a certain…

  • Azure Kubernetes Service – Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization

    At this year’s Ignite conference Microsoft announced the next major step of integrating Azure functionality into AKS: Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/manage-azure-rbac Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization lets you assign built-in or custom roles onto the Azure Kubernetes Service object in Azure. So, you do not have to create Kubernetes roles and role…

  • Increase your application availability with a PodDisruptionBudget on Azure Kubernetes Service

    This is the first blog post of a series of posts covering the topic about increasing the application availability on Azure Kubernetes Service / Kubernetes. Today we cover the PodDisruptionBudget. What is a PodDisruptionBudget? A PDB is an additional Kubernetes object that is deployed beside your Deployment, ReplicaSet or StatefulSet increasing your application’s availability. This…

  • Azure Reservations and the RBAC dilemma

    Cloud computing underlies a constant change. Things you take today for granted are different tomorrow. Surprisingly, even designs and implementations on the same platform can be different. Welcome to today’s topic of Azure Reservations and the RBAC dilemma. As I have written in my brief introduction, designs and implementations can be different. Azure RBAC is…

  • Troubleshooting Azure Kubernetes Service tunnel component issues

    In Azure Kubernetes Service Microsoft manages the AKS control plane (Kubernetes API server, scheduler, etcd, etc.) for you. The AKS control plane interacts with the AKS nodes in your subscription via a secure connection that is established through the tunnelfront / aks-link component. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/concepts-clusters-workloads#kubernetes-cluster-architecture As you can run the AKS control plane within a…

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