Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Networking

  • Working with NSG augmented security rules in Azure

    At Microsoft Ignite this year Microsoft has announced several networking improvements and features in Azure. Most of them are currently in public preview and can be tested like the augmented security rules for NSGs in Azure. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/public-preview-features-for-nsgs/ What are augmented security rules? In short, they extend the rule set, so you can specify more…

  • Troubleshoot Azure VPN gateways with the Azure Network Watcher

    Earlier this year Microsoft has launched a new Azure service for network diagnostics and troubleshooting called Network Watcher. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/network-watcher/ The Network Watcher offers a range of tools like VPN diagnostics and packet capturing to mention two of them. But I would like to talk about the VPN diagnostics capability in this blog post. Before…

  • Demystifying Azure VMs bandwidth specification – F-series

    As you may know Microsoft specifies the bandwidth of Azure VMs with low, moderate, high, very high and extremely high. As Yousef Khalidi, CVP Azure Networking, has written in his blog post in March, Microsoft will provide specific numbers to each Azure VM size in April. When our world-wide deployment completes in April, we’ll update…

  • Azure Germany services URLs and IP addresses for firewall or proxy whitelisting

    When you are working with Azure Germany sometimes you have to whitelist specific IP address ranges or URLs in your corporate firewall or proxy to access all Azure services you are using or trying to use. Some information like the datacenter IP ranges and some of the URLs are easy to find. Other things are…

  • Azure services URLs and IP addresses for firewall or proxy whitelisting

    When you are working with Azure sometimes you have to whitelist specific IP address ranges or URLs in your corporate firewall or proxy to access all Azure services you are using or trying to use. Some information like the datacenter IP ranges and some of the URLs are easy to find. Other things are more…

  • Microsoft Azure Route Table effective routes evaluation

    Another hidden gem in Azure is the effective routes evaluation. The effective routes evaluation can be found under the category SUPPORT + TROUBLESHOOTING in each Route Table or NIC. You only have to select the subnet and the VM’s NIC. Now you get an overview which routes are applied to the VM’s NIC. For an…

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