When you are working with Azure sometimes you have to whitelist specific IP address ranges or URLs in your corporate firewall or proxy to access all Azure services you are using or trying to use.
Some information like the datacenter IP ranges and some of the URLs are easy to find. Other things are more complicated to find like calling IP addresses of specific Azure services or specific URLs.
The list of Azure services specific URLs and IP addresses in this blog post is not complete and only a snapshot at the time of writing this post.
The post is divided into the following sections IP addresses, calling IP addresses and URLs.
I hope you find the summary useful and supportive for your day to day work with Azure.
IP addresses:
Datacenter IP ranges:
-> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=41653
Azure CDN:
-> https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt757330.aspx
Calling IP addresses:
Logic App:
Traffic Manager:
Have a look at the section “What are the IP addresses from which the health checks originate?”.
-> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/traffic-manager/traffic-manager-monitoring#faq
PowerShell Get-AzureRmEnvironment / Azure main services URLs:
Name | Value | Value 2 |
Active Directory Service Endpoint Resource Id | https://management.core.windows.net/ | |
Gallery Url | https://gallery.azure.com/ | |
Management Portal Url | https://portal.azure.com | https://manage.windowsazure.com |
Service Management Url | https://management.core.windows.net/ | |
Publish Settings File Url | https://manage.windowsazure.com/publishsettings/index | |
Resource Manager Url | https://management.azure.com/ | |
Sql Database Dns Suffix | .database.windows.net | |
Storage Endpoint Suffix | core.windows.net | .blob.core.windows.net .queue.core.windows.net .table.core.windows.net .file.core.windows.net |
Active Directory Authority | https://login.microsoftonline.com/ | |
Graph Url | https://graph.windows.net/ | |
Graph Endpoint Resource Id | https://graph.windows.net/ | |
Traffic Manager Dns Suffix | trafficmanager.net | |
Azure Key Vault Dns Suffix | vault.azure.net | |
Azure Data Lake Store File System Endpoint Suffix | azuredatalakestore.net | |
Azure Data Lake Analytics Catalog And Job Endpoint Suffix | azuredatalakeanalytics.net | |
Azure Key Vault Service Endpoint Resource Id | https://vault.azure.net |
Other Azure services URLs:
Name | Value | Value 2 |
Redis Cache | .redis.cache.windows.net | |
App Service | .azurewebsites.net | |
DocumentDB | documents.azure.com | |
Azure Batch | batch.azure.com | .{region}.batch.azure.com |
Machine Learning Studio | studio.azureml.net | |
Machine Learning Gallery | https://gallery.cortanaintelligence.com/ | |
Machine Learning Web Service Management | services.azureml.net | |
Service Bus | .servicesbus.windows.net | |
Event Hubs | .servicesbus.windows.net | |
Azure IoT Hub | .azure-devices.net | |
API Management | .azure-api.net | |
Azure Automation | .azure-automation.net | |
Azure Automation Webhooks | https://s2events.azure-automation.net | |
Public IP, Azure LB, Web Application Gateway, Service Fabric, Azure Container Service | cloudapp.azure.com | .{region}.cloudapp.azure.com |
Azure Search | .search.windows.net | |
Azure Analysis Services | asazure.windows.net | .{region}.asazure.windows.net |
Logic App | logic.azure.com | .{region}.logic.azure.com |
CDN | .azureedge.net | |
HDInsight | .azurehdinsight.net |
Azure Site Recovery:
-> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/site-recovery/site-recovery-best-practices#url-access
Azure Backup:
Azure Log Analytics (OMS):
Data Factory – Data Management Gateway:
Have a look at “Ports and firewall” under the section “Installation”.
Azure MFA Server:
Azure Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker:
Azure KMS server: