Tag: Microservices
Configure Azure Traffic Manager endpoint monitoring for container applications behind an ingress controller on AKS
Running an ingress controller on Azure Kubernetes Service requires configuration of the Azure Traffic Manager endpoint monitoring options when Traffic Manager is used in front of it. In this blog post I will show you an example configuration of the Traffic Manager endpoint monitoring for a container application behind the Ambassador API gateway running on…
Azure Load Balancer behavior when externalTrafficPolicy is set to Local in the Kubernetes service object
In one of my last blog posts I talked about running the Ambassador Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway on Azure Kubernetes Service. Specially to define and set the configuration option externalTrafficPolicy to Local on the Ambassador Kubernetes service object. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-ambassador-api-gateway-on-azure-kubernetes-service/ But have you ever asked yourself the question how the behavior of the Azure Load…
Publishing Azure Functions on AKS through the Ambassador API gateway
In my last blog post I introduced you to the Ambassador Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway as an ingress controller running on Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-ambassador-api-gateway-on-azure-kubernetes-service/ Today I would like to show you how to publish an Azure Function running on Kubernetes through the Ambassador API gateway. It is nothing special compared to a web…
Running Ambassador API gateway on Azure Kubernetes Service
Lately I was playing around with the Ambassador Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway as an ingress controller on Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://www.getambassador.io/ Ambassador is based on the popular L7 proxy Envoy by Lyft. Beside the API gateway capabilities, you can use Ambassador just as an ingress controller for publishing your container applications to the outside…