Tag: Docker
Using Rancher Desktop as Docker Desktop replacement on macOS
Last year I wrote a blog post about running Podman on macOS with Multipass as a Docker Desktop replacement. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-podman-on-macos-with-multipass/ Back at that time I had looked also into Podman Machine and Rancher Desktop. Podman Machine was out very quickly without support for host volume mounts. Rancher Desktop instead was promising but the host…
Using Conftest for Azure Policy for Kubernetes
Conftest is a tool that lets you write tests against structure data like Kubernetes templates. -> https://www.conftest.dev/ So, why should you use Conftest when you already established your policies with Azure Policy for Kubernetes? As Azure Policy for Kubernetes uses Gatekeeper the OPA implementation for Kubernetes under the hood it uses Gatekeeper constraint templates written…
Azure Policy for Kubernetes – custom policies on Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes
On September 1st Microsoft announced the public preview of the custom policy support for Azure Policy for AKS. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/custom-aks-policy-support-now-public-preview/ I am already using the public preview on my AKS cluster and was curious about if this would work as well with Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes. The short answer is yes, but with some minor…
Local Kubernetes setup with KinD on Podman
In one of my last blog posts I walked you through the setup how to run Podman on macOS with Multipass as Docker for Desktop alternative. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-podman-on-macos-with-multipass/ Today I briefly show you the local Kubernetes setup with KinD on Podman. Even the Podman support of KinD is in an experimental state it runs stable…
Running Podman on macOS with Multipass
Several months ago, I worked on a little side project during my spare time but instead of writing a blog post I set it aside till today. Since the announcement that Docker made yesterday on what has changed in the Docker Subscription Service Agreement my side project got my attention again. -> https://www.docker.com/blog/updating-product-subscriptions/ For most…
Cloud Native Club – Kubernetes Policies
Last week I had the pleasure of being the guest of the fifth episode of the Cloud Native Club run by my former colleague Robin-Manuel Thiel. We talked about the topic Kubernetes policies covering the Open Policy Agent, Gatekeeper and Azure Policy for Kubernetes. The Cloud Native Club format is in German and hence no…