Seit gestern steht das UR2 für die folgenden System Center 2012 R2 Produkte zur Verfügung:
- Data Protection Manager
- Operations Manager
- Orchestrator
- Service Manager
- Service Provider Foundation
- Virtual Machine Manager
Data Protection Manager
Beim DPM werden die folgenden 6 Probleme behoben:
- Catalog generation fails for SharePoint 2013 sites that contain app store parts.
- DPM does not display Recovery Point Volume Used Space. It is always set to 0 KB.
- SetBackupComplete called prematurely causes SetBackupSucceeded to be called and 0x80042301 in VSS.
- SharePoint item level recovery fails when the first part of the site URL matches another site in SharePoint.
- Status reports say DPMDB is not being protected even though it is protected and there are valid Recovery Points on tape for it.
- Invalid Trace Message format string causes second chance System.FormatException and termination of DPM Process.
Ebenfalls neu sind mit dem UR2 für den DPM die Unterstützung von Windows Server 2003 Workloads und Protection of SQL AlwaysOn with Clustering.
Operations Manager
Beim SCOM werden die folgenden 9 Probleme behoben:
Issue 1
This update rollup makes the stored procedure performance aggregate more robust against out-of-range values.
Issue 2
Adding multiple regular expressions (RegEx) to a group definition causes an SQL exception when the group is added or run.
Issue 3
Web applications fail when they are monitored by the System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 APM agent.
Issue 4
Service Level Objectives (SLO) dashboards sometimes load in several seconds and sometimes take minutes to load. Additionally, the dashboard is empty after it loads in some cases.
Issue 5
Operations Manager Console crashes when you try to override the scope in the Authoring pane.
Issue 6
The System Center Operations Manager console is slow to load views if you are a member of a custom Operator role.
Issue 7
This update rollup includes a fix for the dashboard issue that was introduced in Update Rollup 1.
Issue 8
SQL Time Out Exceptions for State data (31552 events) occur when you create Data Warehouse workflows.
Issue 9
This update rollup includes a fix for the Event Data source.
Da einige manuelle Schritte nach der Installation des UR2 erforderlich sind, unbedingt die Installation Notes und Installation Information beachten. Zu den manuellen Schritten zählen das Importieren von Management Packs und das Ausführen eines SQL Scripts auf der OperationsManager und der OperationsManagerDW Datenbank.
Orchestrator & Service Management Automation
Beim Orchestrator werden die folgenden drei und bei der SMA die folgenden zwei Probleme behoben:
- Orchestrator: SNMP issue
- Orchestrator: SNMP issue
- Orchestrator: Monitor Service issue
- SMA: Module Caching Issue
- SMA: Inline invocation of runbooks fail if the child runbooks contain a signature
Service Manager
Beim SCSM werden die folgenden 15 Probleme behoben:
- Assume that users have both SMTP and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) endpoints. When you send email messages to these users from the Service Manager console, Service Manager uses the Lync SIP endpoint as the email address.
- After you select the Service Requests with Service Level Warning feature, an error occurs about one hour later.
- After you select the Assigned to me view, a FullAdapter exception occurs about one hour later.
- When the Service Manager console runs in maximized mode, you encounter one or more of the following issues:
- You experience slow performance in the console, and the console consumes excessive CPU resources.
- Context menus in the console are not displayed as expected, and instead it is displayed at the upper-right hand corner of the main window.
- Scroll bars for the work items preview pane do not display when you run in full-screen mode. Even if the scroll bars display, they are still inactive and you cannot move the slider.
- Certain forms or wizards do not display appropriately. Specifically, only the left navigation pane displays and the right area is blank.
- When you create or edit on a User Prompts page in a request offering, the page is not displayed appropriately.
- When you scroll on an open work item or a configuration item form, the scrolling does not work. In this case, you can have the mouse held over the scroll bar for scrolling.
- When you run PowerShell workflows at the same time, the results are displayed as successful. Actually, the workflows fail.
- When a user tries to open an already opened attachment from a work item form, an exception is thrown.
- After you mark a release record as Closed, the attachment and associated details cannot be retrieved.
- When you create service requests from Request Offerings, it takes a long time to display the request offerings form.
- When you try to use a service request template, the console crashes.
- When you try to create a service request, a NullReferenceException exception is thrown and the console crashes.
- The Service Manager console shows a generic Microsoft SQL exception instead of the detailed Data Collision exception when you run in a non-English environment.
- The p_DataPurging stored procedure is not completed during database grooming. Additionally, event ID 8623 is logged in SQL log that indicates the query processor runs out of internal resources and cannot produce a query plan.
- Assume that you add multiple RegEx expressions to a group definition. When you add or execute the group, a SQL exception is thrown.
- The Configuration Manager connector does not handle updates to the DeviceHasSoftwareItemInstalled property correctly. A divergence occurs in the data synchronization between the Service Manager and Configuration Manager databases.
- When Service Manager has any Management Packs from an earlier version present, MPImporter cannot import Management Packs from Operations Manager.
Service Provider Foundation
Bei der SPF werden die folgenden 6 Probleme behoben:
- When you resize dynamic memory of virtual machines to a new maximum memory size that exceeds the original maximum memory size, an error occurs, and the resizing fails.
- When a high volume of subscriptions are created or edited at the same time, the subscriptions can end up in an out-of-sync state.
- The Add-UserRoleProperties.ps1 script does not prevent a VMNetworkQuota object from being created that has a null stamp ID. Then, a failure occurs in the Windows Azure portal during the synchronization of the subscriptions.
- When you update a customer quota through SPF, if one of the artifacts that is being updated is missing in Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), an exception is thrown.
- The Get-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItem cmdlet does not populate the ResourceExtensionProperty property.
- You cannot create a virtual machine from a Windows Server 2012 R2 VHD by using Windows Azure Pack. This issue occurs because the product key of the VHD is not specified.
Virtual Machine Manager
Beim VMM werden die folgenden 30 Probleme behoben:
- Files cannot be found on a network-attached storage device that uses NetApp storage and Server Message Block version 3 (SMBv3) protocol.
- After an account’s password is changed, the Scale-Out File Server provider goes into a “not responding” state.
- VMM wipes the System Access Control List (SACL) configurations on ports.
- When an uplink profile’s name contains the “or” string, VMM console cannot show its details when it adds the uplink profile to a logical switch.
- Dynamic disks cannot be used as pass-through disks.
- When you create a standard virtual switch on a host without selecting the Allow management operating system to share this network adapter check box, the virtual switch is created. However, the virtual switch still binds to the host unexpectedly.
- Network address translation (NAT) uses port number 49152 or a larger number, which Windows prohibits from being used by NAT.
- When a virtual machine IP address type is static Out-of-Band and there is no IP address pool that is associated with the virtual machine network or the logical network, migration is complete with multiple errors.
- If a highly available virtual machine is migrated from one node to another node by using Failover Cluster Manager, you receive an error message that indicates the absence of VHD files.
- Some performance issues in VMM.
- Connection with Operations Manager fails in a non-English environment.
- After you upgrade VMM from System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1) to System Center 2012 R2, VLAN settings disappear and cannot be saved in the virtual machine.
- Virtualization gateway could not be discovered by management packs.
- The New-SCPhysicalComputerProfile Windows PowerShell cmdlet fails with a NullReferenceException exception.
- Assume that you put a host into maintenance mode. When any highly available virtual machines cannot evacuate successfully, they are put into a saved state instead of into task failures.
- Assume that you have a computer that is running VMware ESX Server to host virtual machines. Additionally, assume that cumulative progress for many applications, scripts or actions (that is reported by guest agent) becomes large. In this situation, all deployments time out, as the guest agent cannot communicate to the server successfully.
- You cannot deploy a service template to VMware ESX 5.1 hosts. Additionally, you receive an error 22042 and a TimeoutWhileWaitingForVmToBootException (609) exception.
- When you migrate a virtual machine together with Out-of-Band checkpoints, database corruption occurs.
- Pass-through disks are not updated correctly in the database after they are refreshed from an Out-of-Band migration.
- Assume that hosts establish a Common Information Model (CIM) session that can send policies to the host after the Hyper-V Network Virtualization initialization. Additionally, assume that a policy-sending activity is initiated before the CIM session creation is completed. In this situation, policies are stuck in the sending queue, and the host does not receive any Hyper-V Network Virtualization policies.
- Communication is broken in Hyper-V Network Virtualization.
- When you use a same user name for Run As Accounts in guest customization, a conflict occurs.
- You cannot use a parameter together with .sql scripts for a Run As Account during a service installation.
- You deploy a template that uses empty classification to a cloud. However, the template does not respect storage classifications that are set on the cloud.
- When Windows Server fast file copy cannot deploy files successfully, the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) fallback task continues using the fast file copy credentials.
Nach dem Update muss ein SQL Script ausgeführt werden, daher gilt auch für den VMM unbedingt die Installation Instructions beachten.