Tag: SMA
SCVMM / SMA runbook is stucked in an infinity loop
Just a quick note to a situation I experienced last week I want to share with you. Assume you have installed the VMM console on your SMA runbook worker to get the VMM PowerShell cmdlets. So you can leverage them directly on the runbook worker. The important part is to keep the VMM console up…
SCVMM – Storage Overcommitment PowerShell Script – Version 4.0
Today I am releasing version 3.4 and 4.0 of my Storage Overcommitment PowerShell script and first of all I want to talk about the changes I have made. -> https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Discover-Cluster-Shared-859f133c Version 3.4 adds support for selecting multiple Hyper-V clusters and will be the GUI version from now on. That said you will use version 3.4…
System Center 2012 R2 Update Rollup 7 available
Yesterday Microsoft published the Update Rollup 7 for the System Center 2012 R2 Suite and Windows Azure Pack. -> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3069110 A lot of new features and fixes are included in the UR7 for the Virtual Machine Manager. Support for Windows 10 Client Operating System Support for new Linux Operating Systems Support for VMWare vCenter 5.5…
Azure like chargeback with System Center & Windows Azure Pack – Part 2
In my previous blog post I have shown you how to do an Azure like chargeback with the different KPI’s out of Service Reporting and the cost calculation. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/azure-like-chargeback-with-system-center-windows-azure-pack-part-1/ In this blog post I will present you the PowerShell runbooks that will automate the manual part whom I talked about in part one. It…
Azure like chargeback with System Center & Windows Azure Pack – Part 1
Since the release of Windows Azure Pack a frequently asked question is about the chargeback in Windows Azure Pack. I have heart the question a thousand times why Microsoft does not provide us with the chargeback and billing system from Azure for Windows Azure Pack. The answer is not that easy and I’m not willing…
SMA Runbook – Convert WAP VM Role OS Differencing Disk Version 2.0
Diese Woche habe ich die Version 2.0 des SMA Runbooks Convert WAP VM role OS Differencing Disk und die Version 4.0 des SMA Runbooks VHD Rename veröffentlicht. -> https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/SMA-Runbook-Convert-WAP-VM-148937ee -> https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Virtual-Hard-Disk-Rename-33bc0bfa Mit Version 2.0 und 4.0 erhält die Unterstützung für SMB 3.0 File Shares Einzug auf denen die VHDX Dateien einer VM liegen. Damit der…