Back in January I have written a blog post about installing the Istio control plane on AKS in HA mode.
Since the release of Istio 1.5 this month the overall architecture of the Istio control plane has changed.
With the introduction of Istiod the number of deployed pods get dramatically reduced, when running a high available Istio control plane to at least four pods. Those four pods are two Istiod pods, representing the core of the control plane, and two Istio ingress gateway pods.
Beside that you might have some more pods representing add-on components like Grafana, Prometheus and Kiali.
Instead of using istioctl with --set
option, I transferred those settings into a YAML template utilizing the IstioOperator API more easily.
apiVersion: kind: IstioOperator spec: addonComponents: grafana: enabled: true tracing: enabled: true kiali: enabled: true prometheus: enabled: true components: ingressGateways: - enabled: true k8s: hpaSpec: minReplicas: 2 overlays: - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service name: istio-ingressgateway patches: - path: spec.ports value: - name: status-port port: 15020 targetPort: 15020 - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 80 - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 443 pilot: enabled: true k8s: hpaSpec: minReplicas: 2 overlays: - apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget name: istiod patches: - path: spec.selector.matchLabels value: app: istiod istio: pilot values: global: mtls: enabled: true controlPlaneSecurityEnabled: true proxy: accessLogFile: "/dev/stdout" accessLogEncoding: "JSON" gateways: istio-ingressgateway: sds: enabled: true sidecarInjectorWebhook: rewriteAppHTTPProbe: true
As you see in the template, I am setting the HPA minReplicas to 2 and thus ensure having a minimal HA setup for the Istio control plane.
Furthermore, I am using the overlays option to overwrite some specific settings.
Istio ingress gateway – Reduce number of exposed ports
My initial intention here came from a cost perspective regarding the costs of Standard Load Balancer rules in Azure. But it is also a good approach from the security perspective to only expose necessary ports.
In my case port 80, 443 and 15020 for the Envoy proxy health check endpoint.
... overlays: - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service name: istio-ingressgateway patches: - path: spec.ports value: - name: status-port port: 15020 targetPort: 15020 - name: http2 port: 80 targetPort: 80 - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 443 ...
Istiod PodDisruptionBudget issue
Same issue as described in my previous blog post, but now just for another component. The PDB for Istiod has three labels for the selector defined.
❯ kubectl describe poddisruptionbudgets.policy istiod Name: istiod Namespace: istio-system Min available: 1 Selector: app=istiod,istio=pilot,release=istio Status: Allowed disruptions: 0 Current: 0 Desired: 1 Total: 0 Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal NoPods 27s (x4 over 58s) controllermanager No matching pods found
Unfortunately, the Istiod Kubernetes Deployment template has only two of them defined.
When using selector labels, you need a match of all of them not only a partial match. Therefore, I am overwriting the PDB selector labels to only include the ones specified in the Kubernetes Deployment template.
... overlays: - apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget name: istiod patches: - path: spec.selector.matchLabels value: app: istiod istio: pilot ...
This ensures a working PDB for Istiod.
❯ kubectl describe poddisruptionbudgets.policy istiod Name: istiod Namespace: istio-system Min available: 1 Selector: app=istiod,istio=pilot Status: Allowed disruptions: 1 Current: 2 Desired: 1 Total: 2 Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal NoPods 70s (x6 over 2m41s) controllermanager No matching pods found
Appendix A – IstioOperator API templates
You can find the IstioOperator API template for Istio 1.5 under the following link.
I also transferred the istioctl command from my previous blog post targeting Istio 1.4 to an IstioOperator API template.