Tag: Service Mesh
Using distroless images in Istio on Azure Kubernetes Service
Looking at Docker Hub Istio provides the option using distroless images since version 1.3.0. As it is always a good idea on a Kubernetes cluster to reduce the attack surface, especially when running a managed Kubernetes cluster like Azure Kubernetes Service, using distroless images is one option of it. Per default Istio does not use…
Switching to Istio CNI plugin on Azure Kubernetes Service
You might question yourself, why the switch to the Istio CNI plugin might be useful? Istio uses, and other services meshes too, an init container to adjust the iptables rules for redirecting network traffic to/from the sidecar proxy container. The init container uses NET_ADMIN and NET_RAW capabilities to do the iptables changes and thus has…
High available control plane with Istio 1.5 on Azure Kubernetes Service
Back in January I have written a blog post about installing the Istio control plane on AKS in HA mode. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/install-a-high-available-istio-control-plane-on-azure-kubernetes-service/ Since the release of Istio 1.5 this month the overall architecture of the Istio control plane has changed. -> https://istio.io/news/releases/1.5.x/announcing-1.5/#introducing-istiod With the introduction of Istiod the number of deployed pods get dramatically reduced,…
Combine istioctl commands with kubectl-select
Since working with Istio I stumbled a couple of times over some of the istioctl commands that require to select a specific pod or service. Some of these commands are istioctl… …dashboard controlz {Istio pilot pod name} …dashboard envoy {pod name} …experimental describe service {service name} …experimental metrics {service name} …proxy-config bootstrap {pod name} For…
Install a high available Istio control plane on Azure Kubernetes Service
Lately I worked intensively with Istio and focused especially on the topic high availability of the Istio control plane. When you install Istio with the default profile, as mentioned in the Istio documentation, you get a non-high available control plane. istioctl manifest apply \ –set values.global.mtls.enabled=true \ –set values.global.controlPlaneSecurityEnabled=true Per default Istio gets installed with…