Back in March Microsoft released the container image scanning solution in the Azure Security Center for the Azure Container Registry.
The container image scanning solution is powered by Qualys and seamlessly integrated into the Security Center UI.
Connecting your Azure Container Registries with the Security Center requires ASC running in the Standard Tier. Then establishing the connection is only a click away.
Your container images are scanned, when you push the image to your ACR. The result might need approximately 10 minutes to show up in ASC.
There are several ways in the Security Center UI to display the findings of the scan.
Starting from the previous screenshot you get a quick way to the findings.
The long-detailed way starts with a click on “Take action” instead of clicking on directly on the finding.
This path requires more interaction with the Azure portal but provides you with more details.
Taking the way directly via the Overview section in the Azure Security Center is the short cut to the findings.
When you are now looking for more information about container security in ASC have a look at Azure docs.