Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Terraform

  • Speaking at Global Azure Bootcamp 2020 Virtual – Cologne

    Unfortunately, the in person event of the Global Azure Bootcamp 2020 Cologne is postponed due to the Corona virus pandemic. But the team worked hard behind the scenes and announced last week that the event will be held virtually. I am happy to be part of the Global Azure Bootcamp 2020 Virtual – Cologne on…

  • Terraform – Upgrading AKS Kubernetes version does not upgrade node pools

    If you experience during an AKS Kubernetes version upgrade that only the control plane got upgraded, you are certainly using the Terraform Azure provider in version 1.40.0 or higher. -> https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azurerm/issues/5541 A current workaround is a null_resource with a trigger on the Kubernetes version and running a Bash script with the local-exec provisioner. So, you…

  • Terraform – Working with AKS multiple node pools in TF Azure provider version 1.37

    On Tuesday this week the Terraform Azure provider version 1.37 was released and brings some changes regarding AKS multiple node pools support. Multiple node pools are now fully supported in Terraform with their own resource azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool. First, let us talk about the changes to the resource azurerm_kubernetes_cluster before getting to the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool resource. In the…

  • Working with Windows Server node pools in Azure Kubernetes Service

    Back in May Microsoft released the public preview of Windows Server support for Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-the-preview-of-windows-server-containers-support-in-azure-kubernetes-service/ When you are starting with Windows Server node pools in AKS you should at least be aware of some prerequisites and limitations. Windows Server node pools require Azure CNI alias AKS Advanced Networking The first node pool…

  • Terraform – Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with multiple node pools

    UPDATE: Checkout the new blog post covering AKS multiple node pools in Terraform Azure provider version 1.37. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/terraform-working-with-aks-multiple-node-pools-in-tf-azure-provider-version-1-37/ The multiple node pool feature for AKS is currently in preview. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools Multiple node pools enable us to define a different amount of worker nodes, a different VM size or even that the nodes in…

  • Pin Terraform version in Azure Cloud Shell

    When you cannot always work with the latest Terraform version for you Infrastructure as Code deployments and need to stick to a specific one like 0.12.10 for instance, then you should continue reading. The Azure Cloud Shell is Microsoft’s CLI as a Service offering in Azure and provides you with a browser-based interface that is…

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