Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: System Center

  • Azure / Azure Stack – IaaS VM ARM NSG Template Integration

    In my last blog post about the Network Security Group feature I have shown you how to create a NSG via PowerShell and explained why they are important. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/azure-azure-stack-iaas-vm-arm-network-security-group/ Today I will show you how to implement the creation and attach process directly into the IaaS VM ARM template. First of all we create…

  • Cloud Consistency with Azure Resource Manager Whitepaper

    Microsoft has announced Azure Stack for the first time at Ignite and a few weeks ago the general availability of the Azure Virtual Machines services in Azure Resource Manager. Azure Resource Manager is the glue between the Azure and Azure Stack consistency. If you are looking for a start with ARM based templates to get…

  • Azure / Azure Stack – IaaS VM ARM Network Security Group

    An important feature in the new Azure Resource Manager API for Virtual Machine Services are the Network Security Groups. But why are they so important? At the end of June Microsoft announced the general availability for the Azure Virtual Machine services in Azure Resource Manager and with this announcement the new Azure VM services will…

  • Azure Stack – IaaS VM ARM Template Deployment & JSON Editors

    In this blog post I will write a bit about my opinion why Azure Stack with Azure Resource Manager is the right decision Microsoft has done and which tool to use for editing your JSON template files. Let us start with the IaaS VM ARM template deployment. If you are a bit familiar with the…

  • Blobs and Tables: New Azure-Consistent Storage for your Datacenter – Ignite recording available

    If you are interested in the storage part of Azure Stack then have a look at the Ignite session about Blobs and Tables: New Azure-Consistent Storage for your Datacenter. The session recording is available since this week and gives you an insight in the Azure Stack storage resource provider. -> http://channel9.msdn.com/events/Ignite/2015/BRK3481

  • SCVMM 2016 Technical Preview 2 – Logical Switch Improvements

    At last week’s Ignite Microsoft has released the Technical Preview 2 of System Center 2016. -> http://blogs.technet.com/b/systemcenter/archive/2015/05/06/now-available-system-center-2016-technical-preview-2.aspx -> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-system-center-technical-preview?WT.mc_id=Blog_SC_Announce_TTD The Technical Preview 2 of SCVMM 2016 provides you with some cool Logical Switch improvements. I will walk through these improvements in a moment. But let me first take a review of the configuration steps in…

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