Tag: PowerShell
Identify the max capacity of ephemeral OS disks for Azure VM sizes
Back in 2019 Microsoft introduced the ephemeral OS disk option for Azure VMs and VMSS. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-ephemeral-os-disk-now-generally-available/ Instead of storing and persisting the OS disk to the Azure remote storage the ephemeral OS disk is stored onto the VM’s cache. Hence, ephemeral OS disks are perfect for stateless workloads like Azure Kubernetes Service node pools.…
Azure Reservations and the RBAC dilemma
Cloud computing underlies a constant change. Things you take today for granted are different tomorrow. Surprisingly, even designs and implementations on the same platform can be different. Welcome to today’s topic of Azure Reservations and the RBAC dilemma. As I have written in my brief introduction, designs and implementations can be different. Azure RBAC is…
Optimize your Azure Function PowerShell run duration in the consumption plan
Since PowerShell is available on Azure Functions this is the way to go for automating things in Azure. Especially running the function in the consumption plan and with a managed identity enabled. Per default an Azure Function in the consumption plan is restricted to a run duration of 5 minutes but can be extended to…
Adding value to your DevTest Labs users with additional Azure services
If you are working with Azure DevTest Labs you already know that all the nice things are built around to provide a test environment for Azure IaaS VMs. So far so good, but what can you do to provide your DevTest Labs users with access to PaaS services? Azure DevTest Labs got you covered with…
Microsoft Ignite 2017 Day 2 and 3 recap – Azure announcements
During the last two days at Ignite in Orlando, Microsoft announced more new Azure capabilities. Have a look at the following selections of the official Azure blog announcements to get started with the new things in Azure. Payment Processing Blueprint for PCI DSS-compliant environments -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/payment-processing-blueprint-for-pci-dss-compliant-environments/ Azure Networking announcements for Ignite 2017 -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-networking-announcements-for-ignite-2017/ Announcing…
Microsoft Ignite 2017 Day 1 recap – Azure announcements
Today Microsoft Ignite 2017 in Orlando kicked off. Microsoft announced a ton of new Azure capabilities. Have a look at the following selections of the official Azure blog announcements to get started with the new things in Azure. I know the selection is big, but it is worth it to take a look at it.…