Tag: OMS
Speaking at Experts Live Europe
I am honored to be able to speak at Experts Live Europe, former System Center Universe Europe, for the fourth time in a row. The conference takes place in Berlin from 23rd August 23rd till August 25th. I will be on-site the whole conference and having the following sessions. Thursday at 12 pm: Discussion Panel:…
Monitoring HDInsight Spark cluster on Azure with OMS
Today I would like to share the information with you on how to monitor an HDInsight Spark cluster on Azure with OMS. For this I just created an HDInsight Spark cluster with default settings and no further customization in my Azure subscription. After the successful creation, I looked into the solution gallery of my OMS…
Automated patching for Azure IaaS VMs with OMS update management
During my time at a Microsoft Partner before joining Microsoft and now at Microsoft, customers are asking me, if Microsoft does the patching of Azure IaaS VMs. The answer is no. But with the latest updates to the Update Management solution in the Operations Management Suite, you can now configure an automated patching schedule for your Azure…
Moving your OMS / Azure Log Analytics workspace to a different resource group
It has taken some time, but since several weeks OMS / Azure Log Analytics is integrated into Azure Resource Manager and with this comes the capability to move your workspace between different resource groups. Open the Azure portal (https://portal.azure.com) and go to your OMS workspace. Just click on the pen behind the resource group name…
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 on Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview
Inspired by the blog post of my MVP buddy Ben Gelens on how to CentOS to Azure Stack and the partnership of Microsoft with Red Hat, I decided to write this blog post about RHEL 7.2 on Azure Stack. -> https://azurestack.eu/2016/02/adding-centos-7-to-azure-stack-tp1/ -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/campaigns/redhat/ -> https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/microsoft-and-red-hat-deliver-new-standard-enterprise-cloud-experiences First you need a Red Hat subscription to get the…
Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview – Integrate the Microsoft Monitoring Agent Extension
A lot of familiar extension are included in the Azure Stack TP like BGInfo, PowerShell DSC, Docker and so on. Looking for the Microsoft Monitoring Agent extension you will find out that this extension is missing. So how do you integrate the extension into Azure Stack? The process is very easy, but first we need…