Tag: Hybrid Cloud
Installing Helm and Azure IoT Edge on a k3s Kubernetes cluster on Raspbian
This is the third and last blog post in a series covering k3s a new Kubernetes distribution by Rancher. -> https://k3s.io/ In this post we focus on the Azure IoT Edge deployment on Kubernetes via the package manager tool Helm. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/about-iot-edge -> https://helm.sh/ The topic is divided in two parts. First about the automated…
Using an Azure Pipelines agent on a k3s Kubernetes cluster on Raspbian
This is the second blog post out of three in a series covering k3s a new Kubernetes distribution by Rancher. -> https://k3s.io/ In this post we focus on the container image build and deployment of the Azure Pipelines agent on the k3s Kubernetes cluster we have set upped in the previous post. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-a-kubernetes-cluster-with-k3s-on-raspbian/ So,…
Running a Kubernetes cluster with k3s on Raspbian
This is the first blog post out of three in a series covering k3s a new Kubernetes distribution by Rancher. -> https://k3s.io/ In this post we focus on the setup of k3s on Raspbian to get a working Kubernetes cluster with one master and two nodes each powered by a Raspberry Pi 3B+. Before we…
Stream Analytics on IoT Edge – deployment changes
Microsoft released the GA version of Stream Analytics on IoT Edge two weeks ago. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-stream-analytics-on-iot-edge-now-generally-available/ Beside the changes with the GA version one is most important. When you deploy the Stream Analytics container onto an edge device you must provide the plan id as an environment variable. The plan id is needed for billing…
Best practices – Azure IoT Edge deployments with Azure Kubernetes Service
Today I am talking about some best practices in regards of Azure IoT Edge deployments with Azure Kubernetes Service. Just a short recap about the IoT Edge deployment options with Kubernetes. The connection between Kubernetes and the Azure IoT Hub is established via the IoT Edge Virtual Kubelet Provider. The IoT Edge VK Provider consists…
Introducing breaking changes to the IoT Edge VK provider helm chart and deployment templates for Kubernetes
When you are running the IoT Edge VK provider deployed by the previous helm chart, you might have noticed the following log entry querying the virtualkubelet container logs. kubectl logs hub0-iot-edge-connector-6b594c6444-g7mqz virtualkubelet Flag –taint has been deprecated, Taint key should now be configured using the VK_TAINT_KEY environment variable The process to define the taint for…