Tag: Automation
Automate taking backups from Azure disks attached to Azure Kubernetes Service
At the beginning of 2019 I wrote a blog post about taking backups from Azure disks attached to an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/taking-backups-from-azure-disks-attached-to-aks-via-azure-automation/ Since then, some things changed. Azure Function PowerShell support went into public preview in April 2019 and the AzTable (AzureRmStorageTable) module I use in the solution had new releases. So,…
Optimize your Azure Function PowerShell run duration in the consumption plan
Since PowerShell is available on Azure Functions this is the way to go for automating things in Azure. Especially running the function in the consumption plan and with a managed identity enabled. Per default an Azure Function in the consumption plan is restricted to a run duration of 5 minutes but can be extended to…
Adding value to your DevTest Labs users with additional Azure services
If you are working with Azure DevTest Labs you already know that all the nice things are built around to provide a test environment for Azure IaaS VMs. So far so good, but what can you do to provide your DevTest Labs users with access to PaaS services? Azure DevTest Labs got you covered with…
Integrate auto-shutdown configuration in ARM template deployments for Azure VMs
In November 2016 Microsoft introduced the auto-shutdown feature to Azure VMs which was originally available in Azure DevTest Labs. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/set-auto-shutdown-within-a-couple-of-clicks-for-vms-using-azure-resource-manager/ The auto-shutdown feature can be simply enabled through the Azure portal after a VM is deployed. If you are doing a lot of VM deployments, an Azure Resource Manager template is the way to…
Start and stop Azure VMs without access to Microsoft Azure
Imagine you want to provide specific users with the ability to start and stop VMs, but you do not want to provide access for them to the Azure portal. Then you can use Azure Automation with webhooks. First create an Azure Automation account in the region of your choice. Make sure that the option “Create…
SCVMM / SMA runbook is stucked in an infinity loop
Just a quick note to a situation I experienced last week I want to share with you. Assume you have installed the VMM console on your SMA runbook worker to get the VMM PowerShell cmdlets. So you can leverage them directly on the runbook worker. The important part is to keep the VMM console up…