Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

System Center 2012 R2 VMM Update Rollup 8 introduces Port ACL Management

Today Microsoft published the Update Rollup 8 for the System Center 2012 R2 Suite and Windows Azure Pack.

-> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3096378

But I want to talk about a specific feature that Microsoft has added to the Virtual Machine Manager in UR8. It is the management capability of Hyper-V Port ACLs in VMM.

Ability to deploy extended Hyper-V Port ACLs
With Update Rollup 8 for VMM, you can now:

  • Define ACLs and their rules
  • Attach the ACLs created to a VM network, VM subnets, or virtual network adapters
  • Attach the ACL to global settings that apply it to all virtual network adapters
  • View and update ACL rules configured on the virtual network adapter in VMM
  • Delete port ACLs and ACL rules

-> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3096389

It is great to see that your feedback get its attention. Long story short. The MVP summit 2014 is nearly a year ago. Looking back to the summit my MVP pal Flemming Riis and I had the chance to provide feedback to Scott Napolitan. Scott is the PM for the VMM Networking part and Scott had brought his lead developer with him. One of our feedback was the capability to manage Hyper-V Port ACLs with VMM as the central management component.

Additionally Port ACLs got also attention on the SCVMM uservoice.

-> https://systemcentervmm.uservoice.com/forums/280803-general-vmm-feedback/suggestions/6998608-end-to-end-hyper-v-and-cluster-management-in-the-s
-> https://systemcentervmm.uservoice.com/forums/280803-general-vmm-feedback/suggestions/7162270-port-acls-are-not-available-in-vmm

If you want to start with Port ACLs in VMM with UR8 have a look at the official KB article or the blog post by my MVP pal Charbel Nemnom. He has done a great write-up!

-> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3101161
-> https://charbelnemnom.com/2015/10/step-by-step-how-to-deploy-hyper-v-extended-port-acls-in-system-center-2012-r2-with-update-rollup-8-hyperv-scvmm/

By the way keep your feedback coming!

-> https://systemcentervmm.uservoice.com/forums/280803-general-vmm-feedback



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