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Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

System Center 2012 R2 Update Rollup 1 verfügbar

Seit gestern steht das UR1 für die folgenden System Center 2012 R2 Produkte zur Verfügung:

  • Data Protection Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Service Provider Foundation (Mitte/Ende Februar)
  • Virtual Machine Manager

-> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2904734/en-us

Data Protection Manager

Beim DPM werden die folgenden drei Probleme behoben:

Issue 1
A 0x80070057 error occurs when a session is closed prematurely. This error is caused by a failure during a consistency check.
Issue 2
Lots of concurrent threads or calls to Microsoft SQL Server from the Data Protection Manager (DPM) console cause slow SQL Server performance. When this issue occurs, the DPM console runs out of connections to SQL Server and may hang or crash.
Issue 3
The DPM console crashes, and an error that resembles the following is logged:

Paths that begin with \?GlobalRoot are internal to the kernel and should not be opened by managed applications.

-> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2904687/en-us

Operations Manager

Beim SCOM werden die folgenden 10 Probleme behoben:

Issue 1
An error occurs when you run the p_DataPurging stored procedure. This error occurs when the query processor runs out of internal resources and cannot produce a query plan.
Issue 2
Data warehouse BULK INSERT commands use an unchangeable, default 30-second time-out value that may cause query time-outs.
Issue 3
Many 26319 errors are generated when you use the Operator role. This issue causes performance problems.
Issue 4
The diagram component does not publish location information in the component state.
Issue 5
Renaming a group works correctly on the console. However, the old name of the group appears when you try to override a monitor or scope a view based on group.
Issue 6
SCOM synchronization is not supported in the localized versions of Team Foundation Server.
Issue 7
An SDK process deadlock causes the Exchange correlation engine to fail.
Issue 8

The “Microsoft System Center Advisor monitoring server” reserved group is visible in a computer or group search.
Issue 9
Multiple Advisor Connector are discovered for the same physical computer when the computer hosts a cluster.
Issue 10
A Dashboard exception occurs if the criteria that are used for a query include an invalid character or keyword.

Da einige manuelle Schritte nach der Installation des UR1 erforderlich sind, unbedingt die Installation Notes und Installation Information beachten. Zu den manuellen Schritten zählen das Importieren von Management Packs und das Ausführen eines SQL Scripts auf der OperationsManagerDW Datenbank.

-> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2904678/en-us

Virtual Machine Manager

Beim VMM werden die folgenden 13 Probleme behoben:

  • System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager cannot deploy a new or imported VMWare template.
  • A virtual machine with that uses VHDX cannot be refreshed correctly in System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager, and you receive the following error message:Refresh job failed with error 2912: The requested operation cannot be performed on the virtual disk as it is currently used in shared mode (0xC05CFF0A)
  • Database operations sometimes fail with “FailedToAcquireLockException.”
  • A new virtual machine template from a template that specifies an operating system profile doesn’t use credentials from the operating system profile.
  • Virtual machines in VMWare that connect by the using Cisco N1000V dvSwitch are unavailable for management from Virtual Machine Manager.
  • System Center Virtual Machine Manager service crashes if you disable one of the teamed network adapters.
  • The Get-Scstoragearray -host command should return storage arrays that are visible to a host that is using zoning.
  • During the discovery of a network-attached storage (NAS) provider, the credentials that are used do not include a domain name.
  • Some localized strings are not displayed correctly in the UI.
  • A query to find the certificate should match both the subject name and the friendly name because FindBySubjectName is a wildcard search.
  • Template deployment fails, and you receive the following error message:Error (2904)
    VMM could not find the specified path on the <Server name> server.
    The system cannot find the path specified (0x80070003)
  • Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) cannot be mounted on a host because VHD conflicts with other disks because of a stale entry that was left in the dictionary of Virtual Machine Manager memory.
  • Differencing disk based deployment may fail because the parent disk is being refreshed as noncached.

Nach dem Update muss ein SQL Script ausgeführt werden, daher gilt auch für den VMM unbedingt die Installation Instructions beachten.

-> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2904712/en-us



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