Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: April 2021

  • Implement rate limiting with Istio on Azure Kubernetes Service

    In my last blog post I walked you through the setup of the rate limiting reference implementation: The Envoy Proxy ratelimit service. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/run-the-envoy-proxy-ratelimit-service-for-istio-on-aks-with-azure-cache-for-redis/ Our today’s topic is about connecting the Istio ingress gateway to the ratelimit service. The first step for us is the Istio documentation. -> https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/policy-enforcement/rate-limit/ Connect Istio with the ratelimit service…

  • Detecting SNAT port exhaustion on Azure Kubernetes Service

    Running applications on an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster which make a lot of outbound calls might led to a SNAT port exhaustion. In today’s blog article I walk you through how to detect and mitigate a SNAT port exhaustion on AKS. What is a SNAT port exhaustion? It is important to know what a SNAT…

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