Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Updated maximum nodes limit – Azure Function App – AKS Azure CNI IP address calculation

Just a short information about the update I have done for the Azure Function App doing the AKS Azure CNI IP address calculation.

Since the last update there has been a change to the maximum nodes per cluster limit supported by AKS.

  • Maximum nodes per cluster (only with multiple node pools and VMSS): 1000

-> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#limitations

This change is now implemented in the Function App and you can access the API endpoint under https://akscnicalc.azurewebsites.net/api/akscnicalc.

curl -X POST https://akscnicalclinux.azurewebsites.net/api/akscnicalc -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw '{"nodes": 1000, "pods": 250, "scale": 0, "ilbs": 0}' | jq .
  "nodes": 1000,
  "pods": 250,
  "scale": 0,
  "ilbs": 0,
  "ipaddresses": 251251

Instructions on how to use the API endpoint are provided in the following blog post.

-> https://www.danielstechblog.io/azure-functions-azure-kubernetes-service-advanced-networking-ip-address-calculation/

You can find the code of the Azure Function App on my GitHub repository.

-> https://github.com/neumanndaniel/serverless/tree/master/AKS-CNI-Calc

If you would like to run the Function App as FaaS on Kubernetes, use the Docker image on Docker Hub.

-> https://hub.docker.com/r/neumanndaniel/akscnicalc/tags/

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