Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Public Cloud

  • Learnings from the field – Running Fluent Bit on Azure Kubernetes Service – Part 1

    This is the first part of a three-part series about “Learnings from the field – Running Fluent Bit on Azure Kubernetes Service”. Logging is one of the central aspects when operating Kubernetes. The easiest way to get started with it is by using the solution your cloud provider provides. On Azure, this is Azure Monitor…

  • Azure Kubernetes Service – Using Kubernetes credential plugin kubelogin with Terraform

    In today’s blog post we have a look at the Kubernetes credential plugin kubelogin for Azure Kubernetes Service and how to use it with Terraform. -> https://github.com/Azure/kubelogin -> https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#client-go-credential-plugins The Azure Kubernetes Service cluster I am using for demonstration is an AKS-managed Azure Active Directory one with local accounts disabled. Disabling the local accounts turns…

  • Azure Kubernetes Service news from KubeCon North America 2022

    Last week the KubeCon / CloudNativeCon North America took place in Detroit with a lot of news regarding Azure Kubernetes Service. Let us now walk through what has been announced for AKS. Microsoft further enhances the different CNI options that are available for Azure Kubernetes Service. Besides the standard of Azure CNI with Azure Network…

  • Preventing SNAT port exhaustion on Azure Kubernetes Service with Virtual Network NAT

    Last year I have written a blog post about detecting SNAT port exhaustion on Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/detecting-snat-port-exhaustion-on-azure-kubernetes-service/ Today we dive into the topic of how to prevent SNAT port exhaustion on Azure Kubernetes Service with Virtual Network NAT. Since this year the managed NAT gateway option for Azure Kubernetes Service is generally available…

  • Using Rancher Desktop as Docker Desktop replacement on macOS

    Last year I wrote a blog post about running Podman on macOS with Multipass as a Docker Desktop replacement. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-podman-on-macos-with-multipass/ Back at that time I had looked also into Podman Machine and Rancher Desktop. Podman Machine was out very quickly without support for host volume mounts. Rancher Desktop instead was promising but the host…

  • Remove dangling multi-arch container manifests from Azure Container Registry

    Last year I wrote a blog post about removing dangling container manifests from ACR. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/remove-dangling-container-manifests-from-azure-container-registry/ I did not cover an edge case when it comes to multi-arch container manifests. So, here we are, and I walk you through that topic today. First, do not be afraid the PowerShell script from last year works perfectly…

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