Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Hybrid Cloud

  • Building ARM-based container images with VSTS for your Azure IoT Edge deployments

    Currently, I am working and playing around with Azure IoT Edge deployments in combination with Azure Kubernetes Service and a Raspberry Pi 2. The files referenced in through out the blog article can be found in my GitHub repository. -> https://github.com/neumanndaniel/kubernetes/tree/master/iotedge/webserver My first challenge was to find a way on how to build ARM-based container…

  • Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Active Directory integration

    Last week Microsoft announced the GA of Azure Kubernetes Service. Since then we can integrate Azure Active Directory with Azure Kubernetes Service. When enabling Azure Active Directory integration, AKS requires that RBAC is also enabled. A detailed configuration guide can be found in the Azure documentation. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/aad-integration Before you can make use of the…

  • Using custom DNS server for domain specific name resolution with Azure Kubernetes Service

    Just a short blog post about a small challenge I had these days. If you want to specify a custom DNS server for domain specific name resolution with AKS, you can do so. The necessary steps are already described in the Kubernetes documentation. -> https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/dns-custom-nameservers/ Define a config map and apply it to your AKS…

  • Deploy the update management solution through an Azure Resource Manager template

    In my last blog article, I talked about the update management solution in Azure and what the capabilities are. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/keeping-azure-vms-date-update-management-solution/ Today we will have a look on how to deploy the update management solution through an Azure Resource Manager template. All what we need is to define the following Azure services in the template.…

  • Keeping your Azure VMs up-to-date with the update management solution

    Based on the Azure services Log Analytics and Azure Automation you can use three new capabilities in the Azure portal for your Azure VMs: inventory, change tracking, and update management. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/update-management-inventory-and-change-tracking-are-available-in-azure-automation/ In this blog article I will talk about the update management solution. If you are familiar with Log Analytics and its former update…

  • Microsoft Ignite 2017 Day 2 and 3 recap – Azure announcements

    During the last two days at Ignite in Orlando, Microsoft announced more new Azure capabilities. Have a look at the following selections of the official Azure blog announcements to get started with the new things in Azure. Payment Processing Blueprint for PCI DSS-compliant environments -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/payment-processing-blueprint-for-pci-dss-compliant-environments/ Azure Networking announcements for Ignite 2017 -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-networking-announcements-for-ignite-2017/ Announcing…

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