Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Docker

  • Connect KinD with Azure Monitor for containers

    Last year Microsoft announced the Azure Monitor for containers support for on-premises Kubernetes clusters. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-monitor-now-supports-monitoring-containers-on-premises-and-on-azure-stack/ As I recently switched from the Docker Desktop for Mac Kubernetes single node cluster to KinD (Kubernetes in Docker), I was curious about to try out the on-premises Kubernetes cluster support. > docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED…

  • SAP HANA Express Edition – Deploy HANA Express database on ACI – Azure Container Instances

    Today I will guide you through the deployment of a HANA Express database on ACI – Azure Container Instances. This article is based on the article I have written about the deployment of SAP HANA Express database on AKS. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/sap-hana-express-edition-deploy-hana-express-database-aks-managed-kubernetes-azure/ I have created three PowerShell scripts leveraging the Azure CLI, an Azure Resource Manager…

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