Tag: DevOps
Optimize build performance on Jenkins Azure worker nodes
Today we focus on some performance optimizations for the Jenkins worker nodes on Azure instead of security as in the last blog post. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/secure-jenkins-worker-nodes-on-azure/ As you might know already each Azure VM gets an additional SSD-based temporary drive beside the OS disk drive. Per default the swap file is stored on this temporary drive,…
Secure Jenkins worker nodes on Azure
Jenkins has two nifty plugins available to leverage the power of the Azure platform for on-demand worker nodes. -> Azure Container Instances -> Azure Virtual Machines In this blog post I want to quickly highlight to secure the access to Jenkins worker nodes running on Azure. The assumption is that your Jenkins CI master is…
Installing Helm and Azure IoT Edge on a k3s Kubernetes cluster on Raspbian
This is the third and last blog post in a series covering k3s a new Kubernetes distribution by Rancher. -> https://k3s.io/ In this post we focus on the Azure IoT Edge deployment on Kubernetes via the package manager tool Helm. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/about-iot-edge -> https://helm.sh/ The topic is divided in two parts. First about the automated…
Using an Azure Pipelines agent on a k3s Kubernetes cluster on Raspbian
This is the second blog post out of three in a series covering k3s a new Kubernetes distribution by Rancher. -> https://k3s.io/ In this post we focus on the container image build and deployment of the Azure Pipelines agent on the k3s Kubernetes cluster we have set upped in the previous post. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-a-kubernetes-cluster-with-k3s-on-raspbian/ So,…
Adding value to your DevTest Labs users with additional Azure services
If you are working with Azure DevTest Labs you already know that all the nice things are built around to provide a test environment for Azure IaaS VMs. So far so good, but what can you do to provide your DevTest Labs users with access to PaaS services? Azure DevTest Labs got you covered with…
Free tools for your daily work with Microsoft Azure / Azure Stack
When you are working with Azure or Azure Stack you have to use additional tools to keep your work easy. I would like to present some free tools, I am using at my daily work with Azure and Azure Stack Let us start with the area storage explorer, something you want to use instead of…