Tag: Azure Stack
Microsoft Ignite 2017 Day 2 and 3 recap – Azure announcements
During the last two days at Ignite in Orlando, Microsoft announced more new Azure capabilities. Have a look at the following selections of the official Azure blog announcements to get started with the new things in Azure. Payment Processing Blueprint for PCI DSS-compliant environments -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/payment-processing-blueprint-for-pci-dss-compliant-environments/ Azure Networking announcements for Ignite 2017 -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-networking-announcements-for-ignite-2017/ Announcing…
Microsoft Ignite 2017 Day 1 recap – Azure announcements
Today Microsoft Ignite 2017 in Orlando kicked off. Microsoft announced a ton of new Azure capabilities. Have a look at the following selections of the official Azure blog announcements to get started with the new things in Azure. I know the selection is big, but it is worth it to take a look at it.…
Enabling Azure Disk Encryption on Windows Server 2016 Server Core in Azure
Beside the Windows Server 2016 Datacenter image, Microsoft also provides an image with Windows Server 2016 Datacenter – Server Core in Azure. If you are using the Server Core image and want to enable Azure Disk Encryption for the VM, you will see the following error message. New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 14:27:53 – Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions ‘azst-crp4/BitLocker’ failed…
Running the Azure Stack Development Kit on Azure
After I posted a picture on Twitter showing the Azure Stack Development Kit running on Azure, I got several question how I have done it. First of all it was just a demonstration of our new nested virtualization capability available with the Dv3 and Ev3 VM sizes. I recommend to deploy the ASDK on-premises on…
Develop solutions for Azure Stack on Azure
If you want to develop solutions for Azure Stack in your Azure subscription, then have a look at the Azure Stack Policy Module. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-stack/azure-stack-policy-module What does the Azure Stack Policy Module with your Azure subscription? The policy module will deploy and enable a set of Azure policies, so only Azure services and API versions…
Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview 3 on lower hardware specifications
New technical preview, new challenges. After I got the TP1 and TP2 running on lower hardware specifications, I have tried the same for the TP3 and want to share the results with you. First of all we have the same hardware requirements for TP3 as for TP1 and TP2. Component Minimum Recommended CPU Dual-Socket: 12…