Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: AKS

  • Using Rancher Desktop as Docker Desktop replacement on macOS

    Last year I wrote a blog post about running Podman on macOS with Multipass as a Docker Desktop replacement. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-podman-on-macos-with-multipass/ Back at that time I had looked also into Podman Machine and Rancher Desktop. Podman Machine was out very quickly without support for host volume mounts. Rancher Desktop instead was promising but the host…

  • Remove dangling multi-arch container manifests from Azure Container Registry

    Last year I wrote a blog post about removing dangling container manifests from ACR. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/remove-dangling-container-manifests-from-azure-container-registry/ I did not cover an edge case when it comes to multi-arch container manifests. So, here we are, and I walk you through that topic today. First, do not be afraid the PowerShell script from last year works perfectly…

  • Running gVisor on Azure Kubernetes Service for sandboxing containers

    gVisor is one option beside Kata Containers or Firecracker for sandboxing containers to minimize the risk when running untrusted workloads on Kubernetes. -> https://gvisor.dev/ Currently, the only managed Kubernetes service which supports gVisor in dedicated node pools per default is Google Kubernetes Engine. But with a bit of an effort this is doable as well…

  • Run the Istio ingress gateway with TLS termination and TLS passthrough

    The Istio ingress gateway supports two modes for dealing with TLS traffic: TLS termination and TLS passthrough. Running Istio with TLS termination is the default and standard configuration for most installations. Incoming TLS traffic is terminated at the Istio ingress gateway level and then sent to the destination service encrypted via mTLS within the service…

  • Using Conftest for Azure Policy for Kubernetes

    Conftest is a tool that lets you write tests against structure data like Kubernetes templates. -> https://www.conftest.dev/ So, why should you use Conftest when you already established your policies with Azure Policy for Kubernetes? As Azure Policy for Kubernetes uses Gatekeeper the OPA implementation for Kubernetes under the hood it uses Gatekeeper constraint templates written…

  • Mitigating slow container image pulls on Azure Kubernetes Service

    It might happen that you experience slow container image pulls on your Azure Kubernetes Service nodes. First thought might be the Azure Container Registry is the root cause. Even when using the ACR without the geo-replication option enabled, image pulls from an ACR in Europe to AKS nodes running in Australia are fast. Therefore, it…

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