Tag: ACI
SAP HANA Express Edition – Deploy HANA Express database on ACI – Azure Container Instances
Today I will guide you through the deployment of a HANA Express database on ACI – Azure Container Instances. This article is based on the article I have written about the deployment of SAP HANA Express database on AKS. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/sap-hana-express-edition-deploy-hana-express-database-aks-managed-kubernetes-azure/ I have created three PowerShell scripts leveraging the Azure CLI, an Azure Resource Manager…
Deploying the Kubernetes ACI connector on Kubernetes on Docker for Windows
In January Docker announced and integrated the experimental support of Kubernetes for its Edge channel version of Docker for Windows. -> https://blog.docker.com/2018/01/docker-windows-desktop-now-kubernetes/ During the writing of my blog post about “Deploying the Kubernetes ACI connector on AKS – Managed Kubernetes in Azure”, I was curios to try the same for Kubernetes on Docker for Windows.…
Deploying the Kubernetes ACI connector on AKS – Managed Kubernetes in Azure
Last year Microsoft announced the preview of AKS – Managed Kubernetes and the new ACI connector for Kubernetes the Virtual Kubelet. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-azure-container-service-aks-managed-kubernetes-and-azure-container-registry-geo-replication/ -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-brings-new-serverless-and-devops-capabilities-to-the-kubernetes-community/ In this blog article I will provide you with the necessary steps on how to deploy the Kubernetes ACI connector on AKS in Azure. The easiest way to achieve this…