Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: December 2018

  • Stream Analytics on IoT Edge – deployment changes

    Microsoft released the GA version of Stream Analytics on IoT Edge two weeks ago. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-stream-analytics-on-iot-edge-now-generally-available/ Beside the changes with the GA version one is most important. When you deploy the Stream Analytics container onto an edge device you must provide the plan id as an environment variable. The plan id is needed for billing…

  • Best practices – Azure IoT Edge deployments with Azure Kubernetes Service

    Today I am talking about some best practices in regards of Azure IoT Edge deployments with Azure Kubernetes Service. Just a short recap about the IoT Edge deployment options with Kubernetes. The connection between Kubernetes and the Azure IoT Hub is established via the IoT Edge Virtual Kubelet Provider. The IoT Edge VK Provider consists…

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