Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Infrastructure as Code

  • Working with Windows Server node pools in Azure Kubernetes Service

    Back in May Microsoft released the public preview of Windows Server support for Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-the-preview-of-windows-server-containers-support-in-azure-kubernetes-service/ When you are starting with Windows Server node pools in AKS you should at least be aware of some prerequisites and limitations. Windows Server node pools require Azure CNI alias AKS Advanced Networking The first node pool…

  • Azure Resource Manager templates – Deploy an AKS cluster with multiple node pools

    This week the multiple node pool feature for Azure Kubernetes Service went GA. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/support-for-multiple-node-pools-in-azure-kubernetes-service-is-now-available/ Today we walk through the steps to deploy multiple AKS node pools with Azure Resource Manager templates. Looking at the ARM template reference for AKS, node pools get defined in the managedClusters resource and additional node pools with an agentPools…

  • Speaking at Azure Saturday Cologne

    After a break of nearly five months from public speaking I am back on stage since October. The last public speaking engagement was in May at the European Collaboration Summit in Wiesbaden. Then in October I presented the topic “Terraform on Azure” at the Azure Meetup Bonn hosted by LeanIX. The next event I am…

  • Terraform – Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with multiple node pools

    UPDATE: Checkout the new blog post covering AKS multiple node pools in Terraform Azure provider version 1.37. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/terraform-working-with-aks-multiple-node-pools-in-tf-azure-provider-version-1-37/ The multiple node pool feature for AKS is currently in preview. -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools Multiple node pools enable us to define a different amount of worker nodes, a different VM size or even that the nodes in…

  • Pin Terraform version in Azure Cloud Shell

    When you cannot always work with the latest Terraform version for you Infrastructure as Code deployments and need to stick to a specific one like 0.12.10 for instance, then you should continue reading. The Azure Cloud Shell is Microsoft’s CLI as a Service offering in Azure and provides you with a browser-based interface that is…

  • Build Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with bring your own Virtual Network on Azure

    At Build this year Microsoft announced the Custom VNET with Azure CNI integration for Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/kubernetes-on-azure/ Even this was some month ago I would like to walk you through the necessary planning and deployment steps for the bring your own Virtual Network option here. Before we start a deployment, we must ensure…

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