Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Hybrid Cloud

  • Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview 2 on lower hardware specifications – November refresh

    Last week Microsoft has released the November refresh of its Azure Stack TP2 release bits. There are a lot of improvements, so it is recommended to do a fresh deployment of the TP2. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/new-azure-paas-services-available-for-azure-stack-technical-preview-2-tp2/ What I have discovered editing the following files, is that we got an additional VM in the November refresh. ->…

  • Shutdown and Startup Order for the Microsoft Azure Stack TP2 VMs

    In my previous blog post I described how to install the Microsoft Azure Stack TP2 PoC on lower hardware specifications. Because my home lab does not run 24/7 I had to think about the correct shutdown and startup order for the Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview 2 VMs. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/microsoft-azure-stack-technical-preview-2-on-lower-hardware-specifications/ The Azure Stack TP2 consists…

  • Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview 2 on lower hardware specifications

    New technical preview, new challenges. After I got the TP1 running on lower hardware specifications, I have tried the same for the TP2 and want to share the results with you. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/microsoft-azure-stack-technical-preview-on-lower-hardware/ First of all we have the same hardware requirements for TP2 as for TP1. Component Minimum Recommended CPU Dual-Socket: 12 Physical Cores…

  • Review VCNRW sessions 2016

    On April 20th I had the honor to speak at the first VCNRW sessions about my favorite topic Azure Stack. The one day conference was an awesome event with a set of top international speakers. Thanks to Helge Klein and Timm Brochhaus for such a great event. If you have missed to be on-site at…

  • Microsoft Azure Site Recovery – Teil 2 On-premise zu Azure

    In dieser Blogserie möchte ich auf die Änderungen und die Konfiguration von Azure Site Recovery eingehen. Teil 1: Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Überblick Teil 2: Microsoft Azure Site Recovery On-premise zu Azure Teil 3: Microsoft Azure Site Recovery On-premise zu On-premise Teil 4: Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Nützliche Links Zuerst einmal ein Überblick wie Azure…

  • Microsoft Azure Site Recovery – Teil 1 Überblick

    Microsofts Azure Service Hyper-V Recovery Manager heißt seit letzter Woche Azure Site Recovery und wurde um eine sehr wichtige Funktion erweitert. In dieser Blogserie möchte ich auf die Änderungen und die Konfiguration von Azure Site Recovery eingehen. Teil 1: Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Überblick Teil 2: Microsoft Azure Site Recovery On-premise zu Azure Teil 3:…

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