Tag: Azure
Microsoft drops data transfer charges between Availability Zones
An important announcement during this year’s Microsoft Build has not gotten much traction and might have been missed in the vast amount of updates and announcements. Microsoft did an update to its pricing structure for inter-zone traffic. “We are announcing that Azure will not charge for the data transfer across availability zones regardless of using…
Run the Istio ingress gateway with TLS termination and TLS passthrough
The Istio ingress gateway supports two modes for dealing with TLS traffic: TLS termination and TLS passthrough. Running Istio with TLS termination is the default and standard configuration for most installations. Incoming TLS traffic is terminated at the Istio ingress gateway level and then sent to the destination service encrypted via mTLS within the service…
Enabling Azure Disk Encryption on Windows Server 2016 Server Core in Azure
Beside the Windows Server 2016 Datacenter image, Microsoft also provides an image with Windows Server 2016 Datacenter – Server Core in Azure. If you are using the Server Core image and want to enable Azure Disk Encryption for the VM, you will see the following error message. New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 14:27:53 – Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions ‘azst-crp4/BitLocker’ failed…