Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Speaking at Microsoft Ignite in Orlando

Microsoft Ignite in Orlando starts in a few weeks and I am happy to be one of the many speakers attending Microsoft Ignite.

Even this is my second time, I attended the first one in 2015, it is my first time being a speaker at Ignite.


If you are coming to Orlando, I am inviting you to join my session on Friday at 9 a.m. about “Azure IaaS design and performance considerations: Best practices and learnings from the field”.

-> https://myignite.microsoft.com/sessions/53416?source=sessions

Any questions about the session before Ignite? Join the Microsoft Tech Community to start a discussion.

-> https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Ignite-Content-2017/Azure-IaaS-design-and-performance-considerations-Best-practices/m-p/98636

Troughout the conference week you can find me from Monday till Thursday at the Expo at different booths like Windows Server in Azure, Azure Compute and Azure Resource Manager. I am looking forward to get in touch with you at Ignite and having a chat about Azure.

See you in Orlando!



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