Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: January 2020

  • Install a high available Istio control plane on Azure Kubernetes Service

    Lately I worked intensively with Istio and focused especially on the topic high availability of the Istio control plane. When you install Istio with the default profile, as mentioned in the Istio documentation, you get a non-high available control plane. istioctl manifest apply \ –set values.global.mtls.enabled=true \ –set values.global.controlPlaneSecurityEnabled=true Per default Istio gets installed with…

  • Check cluster manageability with Azure Kubernetes Service Diagnostics

    It does not matter if your AKS cluster is running without any issues or you currently experiencing issues, you should run Azure Kubernetes Service Diagnostics on a regular base. But what is Azure Kubernetes Service Diagnostics? Let me give you a quick introduction. AKS Diagnostics is a functionality in the Azure portal which provides you…

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