Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: October 2019

  • Pin Terraform version in Azure Cloud Shell

    When you cannot always work with the latest Terraform version for you Infrastructure as Code deployments and need to stick to a specific one like 0.12.10 for instance, then you should continue reading. The Azure Cloud Shell is Microsoft’s CLI as a Service offering in Azure and provides you with a browser-based interface that is…

  • Disable the Kubernetes dashboard on Azure Kubernetes Service

    A recently introduced change enables the capability to disable the Kubernetes dashboard on an AKS cluster. This is achieved by providing the Kubernetes dashboard as an AKS add-on like the Azure Monitor for containers integration, AKS virtual nodes or the HTTP application routing. I stumbled over that capability in the Terraform Azure provider documentation for…

  • Custom naming support for AKS node resource group available

    When you deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster in Azure a second resource group gets created for the worker nodes. Per default the resource group has the following naming schema MC_resourcegroupname_clustername_location. In most cases this naming schema collides with a naming convention already in place for the company’s Azure environment. A common question since AKS…

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