Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: May 2018

  • SAP HANA Express Edition – Deploy HANA Express database on ACI – Azure Container Instances

    Today I will guide you through the deployment of a HANA Express database on ACI – Azure Container Instances. This article is based on the article I have written about the deployment of SAP HANA Express database on AKS. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/sap-hana-express-edition-deploy-hana-express-database-aks-managed-kubernetes-azure/ I have created three PowerShell scripts leveraging the Azure CLI, an Azure Resource Manager…

  • Monitor Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure Monitor container health

    On Monday at Build Microsoft has announced a new monitoring solution Azure Monitor container health for AKS. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/kubernetes-on-azure/ Azure Monitor container health is based on Azure Monitor, Azure Log Analytics and the Container Insights solution, and is integrated into the Azure portal experience. As you may know there is also the container monitoring solution.…

  • Container and Kubernetes highlights announced at Microsoft Build – Day 1

    Today Microsoft has announced a ton of highlights, news and features all around the container and Kubernetes ecosystem on Azure. Let us get started with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Yes, you are reading it right AKS is now officially part of the Kubernetes Conformance Program. News around AKS in short: DevOps Project support for AKS…

  • Using ACS Engine to build private Kubernetes clusters with bring your own Virtual Network on Azure

    Looking at Azure Container Service (AKS) – Managed Kubernetes you may have recognized that AKS currently does not support bring your own VNET and private Kubernetes masters. If you need both capabilities and one of them today, you must use ACS Engine to create the necessary Azure Resource Manager templates for the Kubernetes cluster deployment.…

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