Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: November 2016

  • Microsoft Azure Route Table effective routes evaluation

    Another hidden gem in Azure is the effective routes evaluation. The effective routes evaluation can be found under the category SUPPORT + TROUBLESHOOTING in each Route Table or NIC. You only have to select the subnet and the VM’s NIC. Now you get an overview which routes are applied to the VM’s NIC. For an…

  • Microsoft Azure Network Security Group effective security rules evaluation

    Ever faced the problem that you had defined rules in your Network Security Groups, attached one to the virtual subnet and the other one to the VM’s NIC and finally lost the view which rules of which NSG are applied to the VM? If you can answer the question with yes, then Azure provides the…

  • Using Azure Active Directory in Microsoft Azure Germany for Microsoft Azure Stack

    When you want to use the Azure Active Directory in the national cloud or sovereign cloud Microsoft Azure Germany you have to adjust two files in the Azure Stack TP2 bits. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/overview/clouds/germany/ The two files are: -> X:\CloudDeployment\Configuration\InstallAzureStackPOC.ps1 ->X:\CloudDeployment\Common\AzureADConfiguration.psm1 Let us start to adjust the InstallAzureStackPOC.ps1. Jump to line 64 and add in the…

  • Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview 2 on lower hardware specifications – November refresh

    Last week Microsoft has released the November refresh of its Azure Stack TP2 release bits. There are a lot of improvements, so it is recommended to do a fresh deployment of the TP2. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/new-azure-paas-services-available-for-azure-stack-technical-preview-2-tp2/ What I have discovered editing the following files, is that we got an additional VM in the November refresh. ->…

  • Automated patching for Azure IaaS VMs with OMS update management

    During my time at a Microsoft Partner before joining Microsoft and now at Microsoft, customers are asking me, if Microsoft does the patching of Azure IaaS VMs. The answer is no. But with the latest updates to the Update Management solution in the Operations Management Suite, you can now configure an automated patching schedule for your Azure…

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