Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: February 2016

  • Microsoft Azure Stack TP – Tweaking the SQL RP Deployment

    And again just a longer post for a deployment tweak. When you are deploying the SQL Resource Provider on your Azure Stack installation you have to consider some requirements and stumbling blocks. First point is an Windows Server 2012 R2 image with .NET Framework 3.5 enabled, that is needed for the deployment. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/azure-stack-add-image-pir/#create-an-image-of-windowsserver2012r2-including-net-35 The…

  • Microsoft Azure Stack TP – MySQL RP Deployment Publish-GalleryPackages.ps1 fails

    Hey everyone! Just a short post for a short tweak. When you are deploying the MySQL Resource Provider on your Azure Stack installation and you are using the service administrator account with an additional subscription, then the processing of the Publish-GalleryPackages.ps1 fails with the following error. Add-AzureRMGalleryItem : Cannot convert ‘System.Object[]’ to the type ‘System.Guid’…

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 on Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview

    Inspired by the blog post of my MVP buddy Ben Gelens on how to CentOS to Azure Stack and the partnership of Microsoft with Red Hat, I decided to write this blog post about RHEL 7.2 on Azure Stack. -> https://azurestack.eu/2016/02/adding-centos-7-to-azure-stack-tp1/ -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/campaigns/redhat/ -> https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/microsoft-and-red-hat-deliver-new-standard-enterprise-cloud-experiences First you need a Red Hat subscription to get the…

  • Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview – Integrate the Microsoft Monitoring Agent Extension

    A lot of familiar extension are included in the Azure Stack TP like BGInfo, PowerShell DSC, Docker and so on. Looking for the Microsoft Monitoring Agent extension you will find out that this extension is missing. So how do you integrate the extension into Azure Stack? The process is very easy, but first we need…

  • Microsoft Azure Stack Technical Preview – Difference between private and public plans

    When you have installed the Azure Stack Technical Preview and you are creating your first offer. You have to decide whether your plan will be private or public.  Regarding the offer you do not have the choice. If an offer is private the tenant will not see it. So an offer should be always public.…

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